The table below outlines the business interests of governors of Beaumont Lodge Primary School. It also outlines if they are a governor of another school and if they are related to a member of our school's staff. If this does not apply to a specific governor, a nil return is recorded.
Governor | Name of Business | Nature of Business Interest | Governor at another school | Relationship to and name of staff member |
Dawn Solla (Headteacher) | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
David Burgess (Chair of Governors) | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Sasha Chohan | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Balinder Kazi | Nil | Nil | Yes | Nil |
Charlotte Tyrrell | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Glenn Short | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Jessica Stephenson | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Chloe Bird | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Gary Walker | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
The register will be reviewed annually. Governors are reminded that they should declare changes as and when they occur.