
Beaumont LodgePrimary School

Learn, enjoy, develop, succeed

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All children attending Beaumont Lodge Primary School are expected to wear school uniform:


  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan
  • White, pale blue shirt or navy polo-shirt
  • Black or Grey trousers, shorts or skirt
  • Grey / Navy Blue pinafore dress
  • Flat, comfortable and practical footwear which is safe for outdoor use.
  • Indoor shoes / plimsolls safe for indoor use.


Sweatshirts that are embroidered with the school logo can be ordered from Uniform Direct.

Fleece zip-up jackets and cardigans that are also embroidered with the school logo are available to order from Uniform Direct.


Book bags, Satchels & PE Bags are available from the school office:

Book bags are £6.00

Satchels are £6.00

PE Bags are £6.00


Uniform Direct Link:


For additional information on Uniform and Dress Codes at Beaumont Lodge Primary School, please contact the school office on 0116 2366925.
