
Beaumont LodgePrimary School

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Is reading really important?


There can be few things as powerful as regularly reading to a young child. It has astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun. 


We know from research all over the world that children who read widely and often and who have plenty of books or magazines to read do better at school than children who don’t have books and magazines.


We know that with the help of parents, children will improve even further.  This section of our website is specifically focussed on offering parents and carers support around reading. 



Promoting a love for reading is paramount. There are  many  different  ways  this  can  be  done  from  an  early age:


  • Sing nursery rhymes from an early age. When your child is old enough, they can join in.
  • Share books regularly. Buy books or go to the local library. Read books by the same author and reread your child’s favourites
  • Listen to your child read and remember to continue to read to them. It is important they are exposed to vocabulary beyond their reading ability
  • Allow your child to see you reading for pleasure. It may be fiction or non-fiction
  • Allow your child to practise their reading skills. Encourage blending aloud, as well as in their heads.
  • Talk about books. Ask the children what is happening, how the characters are feeling and what they have enjoyed.
  • Use props and puppets to tell stories. Allow their imaginations to run wild!
  • Use ambitious vocabulary, explaining its meaning.
  • Listen to songs and add actions.
  • Read rhyming books together. Ask the children to fill in missing parts and join in with repeated refrains.
  • Make reading a pleasure not a chore!


At Beaumont Lodge Primary School, there are many ways in which we promote reading.  Have a look at the page below to keep up to date with some of the books being shared and events linked to reading.

Hungry Little Minds

Reading with your child helps set them up nicely for school. For tips & activities they’ll love, search Hungry Little Minds. To access Hungry Little Minds, click on the link below.
